Redox molecules are essential components found in every cell of the body, playing a crucial role in cellular communication through redox cell signaling. These molecules enable cells to coordinate and respond effectively to various challenges, such as toxins and damaged DNA. However, as the body ages and faces stress and toxins, the production of redox molecules diminishes, potentially leading to imbalances that can impact overall health.
The Importance of Redox Molecules in Cellular Communication
Every cell in the human body manufactures redox molecules, which facilitate redox cell signaling. This intricate communication process enables cells to exchange vital information. For instance, when harmful substances or cells with damaged DNA are detected, cells collaborate to eliminate the threats, promoting overall well-being.
Impact of Aging, Stress, and Toxins on Redox Molecule Production
As individuals go through puberty and beyond, the body’s production of redox molecules decreases by approximately 10% per decade. Moreover, external factors like stress and exposure to toxins further diminish the production of these crucial molecules. Consequently, cellular communication may become less effective, leading to the accumulation of toxins and the replication of cells with damaged DNA.
The Redox Basis of Illness
Illness can manifest in two main ways: oxidative stress-related symptoms, akin to biological rusting, or inflammatory (reactive) signs and symptoms. Achieving optimal health involves addressing imbalances in these areas and restoring the redox balance, which plays a pivotal role in overall well-being.
Conclusion: Striving for Redox Balance
Redox molecules serve as vital messengers in the intricate network of cellular communication. However, age, stress, and toxins can disrupt the production of these molecules, potentially leading to health issues. By understanding the significance of redox molecules and taking proactive steps to restore balance, individuals can enhance their overall health and well-being.
Reprint of Original Post by Brandon Amalani at Blushield US.
Throughout the history of discoveries of mathematical concepts with elements of universal truth, a few concepts stand out on their own, as if they were keys to open to us a glimpse into the complex structure of the universe itself. One of these that has demonstrated over time to be applicable to nearly every aspect of life and the universe, is the Phi ratio.
Called by a variety of names, Phi is also referred to as the Golden ratio, Golden mean, Golden number, Golden section, and the Divine Proportion (by Renaissance artists), among others. It’s also intimately related to the Fibonacci sequence (or Fibonacci series).
The number itself is 1.618033988749895… commonly shortened to 1.618. The “…” indicated in the longer version means it goes on infinitely, as far as we know.
Why is this number so “golden” in the minds of centuries of great thinkers? It’s an irrational number, which means it can’t be reduced to a fraction of integers, and it essentially goes on forever (after the decimal place) with no discernible pattern. So what is the significance of such a seemingly chaotic number?
To get a basic visual of Phi, imagine a line of a certain length, any length. Now, you could divide this line into two lines at any point. But there is one specific point, which is around 0.618 of the whole (1) line, where if you divide it, the ratio of the larger segment to the smaller segment is the same as the ratio of the whole original line to the larger segment – 1.618 to 1. There is only one place you can divide the line where this is possible. See illustration for a visual understanding.
There are many other methods to derive and demonstrate Phi with mathematics and geometry. You can use the Fibonacci sequence, a numerical series made widely known by Leonardo Fibonacci in the year 1202 AD (although the series was known by Indian mathematicians since the 6th century AD). The series starts as 0, 1, 1, 2, 3, 5, 8, 13, 21, 34, 55, 89, 144, 233, 377… and keeps going indefinitely. Each number is the sum of the two numbers preceding it. The higher the numbers go, the more exactly the ratios between each adjacent number approximate Phi.
Phi has many unusual mathematical properties, and is the solution to a quadratic equation. Even more profoundly, it is pervasive throughout nature: it is found in the forms of the bodies of animals, humans, shells, insects, trees, leaves, flowers, and even the solar system and human DNA!
Phi Ratio In Nature and Human Behavior
The Phi ratio is found all throughout the proportions of the human form. It is found in the proportion of human facial features, and faces that most closely approximate the Phi ratio are closest to what is considered most aesthetically beautiful. It’s also found in the proportions of the sections of the human body (head, torso, legs), fingers, and teeth. Since Phi seems to be a foundational element of the human design and beauty standard, it isn’t surprising that Phi is used in facial plastic surgery and cosmetic dentistry!
The petals and spiral patterns of flowers are a complex natural expression of Phi, as well as the patterns of leaf veins, honeycombs, insect body sections, wing dimensions and spots on moths and butterflies, the spirals of seashells, and even a wide variety of differently shaped animal bodies are found to be different configurations of Phi!
The double helix spiral of human DNA embodies Phi proportions, as well as the spirals of galaxies themselves. This ratio seems to be so pervasive in nature that it inhabits the microcosm of DNA, all the way to the macrocosm of galaxies!
As we ourselves are interconnected with nature, and are ourselves natural beings, it makes sense that much of human behavior tends instinctively towards Phi. It has been found that population growth can be recorded and predicted using Phi, and even the rises and falls of the stock market! Since stock market changes are determined by human expectations, and human expectations have been found to occur in a ratio near Phi, Phi has been used with great success to analyze and predict stock market moves. Because humans unconsciously express Phi in their behavior, like other animals, it has been said that the stock market may have geometrically as perfect a pattern as a spider’s web!
Human-created art and architecture, especially what are considered the “great works” throughout history, contain design elements utilizing Phi. This includes the Great Pyramid of Egypt, the Parthenon (apparently the Greeks were consciously aware of Phi during its design), a number of paintings by Leonardo Da Vinci, Raphael, Botticelli, Georges Seurat, and more. The long-revered Stradivarius violins built in the 1700’s show Phi relationships. Modern architectural applications include the Notre Dame in France, and several other modern buildings. Phi is used in the design of logos by many major corporations, and in modern fashion. It is even being used to integrate knowledge in the fields of time and quantum physics!
It is notably found in the structure of great musical works. The peak, or capitulation, of great classical music pieces occurred very close to 61.8% of the way through each movement. This also occurs in popular music. Notes of a scale, chords, and octaves correlate to Fibonacci numbers.
Phi is seen pervasively in the visible patterns of nature, but just as with great music, it is also found in the frequencies and sounds of nature.
Phi and Blushield
It is clear that humans have an affinity for Phi, as it seems to be weaved into our very structure! Although humans have a tendency to create beautiful works of art, architecture and music by subconsciously utilizing Phi, not everything humans have created is even close to Phi. Some of our creations are very, very far from it.
Manmade electromagnetic fields, if we were able to see and hear them, would not appeal to our sense of aesthetics at all. They are static, infinitely repeating frequencies. If they were audible to us, they would drive us crazy. They might sound like a loud car alarm that never turns off, an alarm clock, or high-pitched screeching. These types of frequencies are not compatible with our bodies. Our bodies like the frequencies of nature, which express the complexities of Phi and other natural patterns.
This is why Blushield utilizes the Phi ratio as a foundational aspect of the infinitely varied, multiple waveform output of its microprocessors.
As 5G is on the verge of being rolled out all over the world, Blushield has prepared for this increasingly harmful and abrasive element by developing a new version of the Ultra unit: the 5G Ultra. The Ultra, itself, is already the most powerful Blushield model, in terms of strength and area of coverage. The 5G Ultra adds a new element, specifically designed to provide more protection to our cells from the added stress of 5G: constant emission of Phi ratio waveforms.
All other Blushield models emit a complex, ever-changing multiple waveform every 30 seconds, which is more than sufficient to entrain our bodies to the Blushield and ignore the manmade EMFs. But since 5G is a stronger, higher frequency, with more pulsations, and will be more densely placed throughout cities and towns, it is appropriate to combat this with a constant emission of natural frequencies modeled after Phi.
You can read more about the 5G Ultra unit here, to see if it’s appropriate for your current or likely future situation!
EDITOR’S NOTE: CTE found this article to be an accurate and balanced presentation of the research and benefits of hydrogen water. Ken Sheetz and I just feel better when we supplement with hydrogen water and love the easy-to-use HydroGO+ portable molecular hydrogen generating flask in our store. This is a reprint of this Healthline article found HERE.
Plain water is the healthiest choice to keep your body hydrated. However, some beverage companies claim that adding elements like hydrogen to water can enhance health benefits.
This article reviews hydrogen water and its purported health effects to help you decide whether it’s a smart choice.
Hydrogen water is simply pure water with extra hydrogen molecules added to it.
Hydrogen is a colorless, odorless, non-toxic gas that binds to other elements like oxygen, nitrogen, and carbon to form various compounds, including table sugar and water (1Trusted Source).
Water molecules consist of two hydrogen atoms and one oxygen atom, but some assert that infusing water with additional hydrogen produces benefits that plain water cannot deliver.
It’s thought that the body can’t effectively absorb the hydrogen in plain water, as it’s bound to oxygen.
Certain companies claim that when extra hydrogen is added, these hydrogen molecules are “free” and more accessible to your body.
The product is made by infusing hydrogen gas into pure water before packing it into cans or pouches.
Hydrogen water can be pricey — with one popular company selling a 30-pack of 8-ounce (240-ml) cans for $90 and suggesting consumers drink at least three cans per day.
Additionally, hydrogen tablets meant to be added to plain or carbonated water are sold online and in health food stores.
Hydrogen water machines can also be purchased by those wanting to make it at home.
Hydrogen water is marketed to decrease inflammation, boost athletic performance, and even slow your aging process.
However, research in this area is limited, which is why many health experts are skeptical of its supposed benefits.
SUMMARY Hydrogen water is pure water infused with extra hydrogen molecules. It can be purchased in pouches and cans or made at home using special machines.
Does It Benefit Health? Though human studies on the benefits of hydrogen water are limited, several small trials have had promising results.
May Provide Antioxidant Benefits
Free radicals are unstable molecules that contribute to oxidative stress, a major cause of disease and inflammation (2Trusted Source).
Molecular hydrogen fights free radicals in your body and protects your cells from the effects of oxidative stress (3Trusted Source).
In an eight-week study in 49 people receiving radiation therapy for liver cancer, half the participants were instructed to drink 51–68 ounces (1,500–2,000 ml) of hydrogen-enriched water per day.
At the end of the trial, those who consumed the hydrogen water experienced decreased levels of hydroperoxide — a marker of oxidative stress — and maintained greater antioxidant activity after radiation treatment than the control group (4Trusted Source).
However, a recent four-week study in 26 healthy people demonstrated that drinking 20 ounces (600 ml) of hydrogen-rich water per day did not decrease markers of oxidative stress, such as hydroperoxide, compared to a placebo group (5Trusted Source).
More studies are needed to confirm if drinking hydrogen decreases the effects of oxidative stress in both healthy people and those with chronic conditions.
May Benefit Those With Metabolic Syndrome
Metabolic syndrome is a condition characterized by high blood sugar, increased triglyceride levels, high cholesterol, and excess belly fat.
Chronic inflammation is suspected to be a contributing factor (6Trusted Source).
Some research shows that hydrogen water may be effective at reducing markers of oxidative stress and improving risk factors related to metabolic syndrome.
One 10-week study instructed 20 people with signs of metabolic syndrome to drink 30–34 ounces (0.9–1 liter) of hydrogen-enriched water per day.
At the end of the trial, participants experienced significant reductions in “bad” LDL and total cholesterol, increases in “good” HDL cholesterol, greater antioxidant activity, and reduced levels of inflammatory markers, such as TNF-α (7Trusted Source).
May Benefit Athletes
Many companies promote hydrogen water as a natural way to enhance athletic performance.
The product may benefit athletes by reducing inflammation and slowing the accumulation of lactate in the blood, which is a sign of muscle fatigue (8Trusted Source).
A study in ten male soccer players found that athletes who drank 51 ounces (1,500 ml) of hydrogen-enriched water experienced lower levels of blood lactate and decreased muscle fatigue after exercise compared to a placebo group (9Trusted Source).
Another small two-week study in eight male cyclists demonstrated that the men who consumed 68 ounces (2 liters) of hydrogen-enriched water daily had greater power output during sprinting exercises than those who drank regular water (10Trusted Source).
However, this is a relatively new area of research, and more studies are needed to fully understand how drinking hydrogen-enriched water may benefit athletes.
SUMMARY Some studies suggest that drinking hydrogen water may decrease the effects of oxidative stress, improve metabolic syndrome, and boost athletic performance.
We are growing rapidly. Over 40 of the coolest tech ever products are now featured on this website that’s only 10 months old. The site has been such a hit that we recently upgraded it. BTW, our mothership site CoolestMeditationEver is under remodeling and will relaunch soon.
So how did a planetary healing website birth this new website for health and wellness technology, known affectionately as Coolest Tech Ever out of respect for our connection to the continent of ice? For that let’s time travel, tech we hope to offer you one day, to the fall of 2012. I was base-camped in Sedona filming healers for company called SpiritQuest and on a spirit quest of my own raising money for an Indiegogo to film a series of 24 meditations Antarctica. Out of the blue an LA friend, Nick Edwards, called and said to me, “Ken, I love your films so much I am going to introduce you to one of the greatest scientists of the New Age, in fact maybe the father of New Age movement himself, Sedona resident Dr. Patrick Flanagan. It’s going to change your life forever. Pat is flat-out going to be your most amazing contact of your career.”
I told Nick I was embarrassed that I’d never heard of the doctor and that I doubted, with all due respect, that any connection I’d made in my career could match building Harpo Studios for Oprah Winfrey. Nick forgave my ignorance. He told me he knew I’d change my tune after meeting Patrick. So I agreed purely on the recommendation of Nick to meet Dr. Flanagan.
Wow. Nick, who sadly passed away in 2015, could not have been more right. Pat and I hit it off instantly and he became the biggest backer of the Antarctica project. In return I agreed to film Pat in Chichen Itza, where he was speaking at a celebration of the end of the Mayan Calendar, on my way home from Antarctica. I let Nick know afterwards that I he was right. Pat is so bright he transcends GENIUS. Yes, even one as great as Oprah.
But frankly, I might have not taken on the Chichen Itza assignment if I knew the daunting task I faced to make it all the way up from Antarctica in time to film Dr. Flanagan. After an ATM swallowed my only debit card tied to the Indiegogo that funded the entire Antarctica adventure, I traveled three days with only some cash a kind person named Michael had gifted me when they saw my ATM nightmare happen. After a series of long layovers without enough money for food, my only sleep on planes and in airports, I made it to Cancun.
But my travel troubles were not over. Through no fault of Pat’s, the poorly organized event that promised to pick me up by limo in Cancun never showed. Unfortunately, neither Nick nor Pat could be raised on the cell phone. Desperate to keep my filming promise, I improvised and bartered away my luggage and clothing to make the hot and bumpy 70 mile taxi ride. Broke and badly dehydrated, I arrived just in time in Chichen Itza to film Pat giving his speech to the enthralled Chichen Itza crowd.
My brother Western Unioned me the cash I needed to get home and I arrived back in LA with only my camera gear and the clothes on my back. But it was worth it because Patrick was impressed I’d kept my word at great personal expense. A few weeks back in the LA grind I pitched Pat about making a 50-video web series about all his great products I was learning about. Genius that he is, he surprised me and made the decision right on the phone call, inviting me back to Sedona to film the web series that introduces a whole new generation of fans to Patrick.
My lucky stars and spirit guides had dropped me into the most exciting project of my 20 years as a filmmaker. Pat, a certified genius who had been featured in LIFE MAGAZINE at only age 17 as one of the world’s most promising young scientists, I’d soon learn has a huge global fan base. Co-starring his amazing wife Stephanie, the three of us birthed a 25 million views web series I dubbed THE FLANAGAN EXPERIMENTS.
2015 Limited Edition NEO Neurophone
This success would propel me into creating an Indiegogo for Pat that would sell 5,000 brain boosting devices and raise $1.6 million for Patrick’s NEO (Neural Efficiency Optimizer) Neurophone development. Unfortunately, the NEO project stopped after Patrick suffered a series of mini-strokes in 2015 and has yet to resume. But we hope to soon offer a update NF3 version from Pat’s German maker soon. Stay tuned on the email list. These are incredibly popular and will sell out fast.
In January of 2019, as tribute to the doctor and all he and his wife have done as my patrons, I curated all 50 videos and edited them into a theatrical feature film that sold-out a special screening of THE SEDONA FILM FESTIVAL. Pat’s amazing life story also wowed the crowd at the 2019 New Living expo. That new 2019 film can be watched here as free gift for joining our CTE email list using the free movie ticket tab to the right and top of this page. Email me at if you are already list member and want to see the movie for free.
Over the busy 7 years that have flown by since that magical 2012 introduction by Nick Edwards, Patrick and Stephanie have generously allowed me to market the gorgeous Sensor V medallion and other PhiSciences products to support my planetary meditation filming. As we have discovered more incredible life-enhancing technologies, our success with Dr. Flanagan opened doors to offer products from other greats of spirit science like sound healer Jonathan Goldman, Jason Stiles and iTorus, Mark Langford’s Blushield EMF protection, and others. Coolest Tech Ever has become a funder for our conscious film projects, planetary meditation and our peaceful mission to bring more harmony to mankind.
Ken & Elizabeth, Team
My love and partner Elizabeth, who came into my life in November of 2015, also as a result of following spirit to Antarctica — an amazing cosmic love story worthy of it’s own post — finally convinced me a year ago to spilt off our sales work from our meditations. And so had a baby, born 8.18.18.
It’s important to note that CTE’s sales support the planetary healing film work of CME. They work as a symbiotic team. Your CTE purchases also support Elizabeth’s brilliant ocean awareness project Rest assured that Elizabeth and I use most of these now 40 strong line of coolest ever technologies that Patrick inspired us to carry ourselves daily. We know from happy customer testimonials that our Coolest Tribe Ever enjoy the tech as much as we do.
Thanks for reading and being part of our spirit tribe at Coolest Tribe Ever.
To Your Health and Happiness!
With Great Respect, Ken & Elizabeth
Here’s our newest addition to the CTE family: The Best Portable Hydration Device Out There!
Editor’s Note: This is a simple explanation of the different natures of hydrogen and how it reacts with oxygen. Note that H2 ‘is the antioxidant in hydrogen-rich water.’ The measure of pH is derived from the presence of H+ in a substance.
Distinguishing between these different forms of Hydrogen can be confusing to those of us who flunked high school chemistry. Here is an attempt at clarification.
H = Atomic Hydrogen Atomic hydrogen is number 1 on the Periodic Table of Elements. It consists of one proton and one unpaired electron which means that it is a free radical.
However an atom of hydrogen rarely exists on its own because its unpaired electron eagerly seeks to join up with another electron.
The molecular form of hydrogen is more common.
H2 = Molecular Hydrogen
H2 is a gas which forms when two hydrogen atoms bond together and become a hydrogen molecule. H2 is also called molecular hydrogen.It consists of two protons and two electrons. Consequently it is the most common form of Hydrogen because it is stable with a neutral charge. H2 is not a free radical. It is the antioxidant in ‘hydrogen-rich’ water.
H2 is the smallest molecule in the universe. That means it can go where nothing else can …including into your mitochondria which are the powerhouses of your cells. Hydrogen gas cannot be kept in plastic because it will pass right through the walls of the container.
H+ = Proton
When the Hydrogen atom loses an electron all that is left is a proton. It becomes the positively charged hydrogen ion known as H+. This is the form of Hydrogen that produces the ATP enzyme that powers our cells and mitochondria.
The H+ hydrogen ion is the basis of the pH scale.
H:– = Hydride
Hydride is a hydrogen atom which has an extra electron. This means that it is a negatively charged ion, or anion. That is why Hydride ion (H-) has the minus sign distinguishing it from a regular Hydrogen atom (H). The two dots after the H means that this ion has two electrons instead of just one. The extra electron means that H- is not a free radical however it is not stable because this form of hydrogen is a very strong base (extremely alkaline) which reacts with water to produce hydroxide (OH–and molecular hydrogen (H2).
H:– + H2O –> H2O + OH–
Hydride (H:– ) also reacts with metals to form chemical compounds which are reducing agents.
OH– = Hydroxide ion
Hydroxide (OH–) is also known as the hydroxyl ion. When water dissociates or comes apart into its component parts it forms OH– (hydroxide ions) and H3O+ (hydronium ions). 2H2O ⇆ OH– and H3O+
This reaction is reversible. The hydroxide ion also reacts with the hydronium ion (H3O+) to become two water molecules.
The Hydroxide ion (OH– ) is a base (alkaline). The Hydroxide ion is not a free radical or an antioxidant. Dissolved molecular hydrogen gas (H2) is the antioxidant in ‘hydrogen-rich’ water.
Hydroxide (OH–) is sometimes confused with the hydroxyl radical (OH•). The dot to the upper right of the OH indicates an unpaired electron which means that Hydroxyl is a free radical, actually one of the most reactive oxygen radicals. Hydroxide and Hydroxl are two entirely different species. It is important to not confuse them.
H3O+ = Hydronium ion
A water molecule (H20) plus a hydrogen ion (H+) becomes a hydronium ion (H3O+). The H+ ion is a lone proton with a powerful charge. It does not exist on its own in an aqueous solution because it is immediately attracted to the unshared electrons in the oxygen atom of H2O. The result is Hydronium (H3O+). This process is reversible. Two water molecules can disassociate to form hydronium plus hydroxide. 2H2O ⇆ OH– and H3O+
Experiments indicate that the proton (H+) is very promiscuous. It changes from one H2O partner to another many times per second creating a new H3O+ ion as it moves.
pH = Potential of Hydrogen
pH stands for potential of Hydrogen and is actually a measurement of the concentration of hydrogen ions (H+) in a solution. Water breaks down (dissociates) into protons (H+) and hydroxides (OH–). This reaction is reversible.
H2O ⇆ H+ and OH– 2H2O ⇆ OH– and H3O+
pH indicates whether water is acidic, neutral, or alkaline. More H+ = more acidic. Less H+ = more alkaline.
Because H+ immediately associates with H2O to form H3O+ (Hydronium), pH can also be said to be a measurement of the concentration of H3O+ in a solution.
The pH scale is logarithmic. Increasing by 1 on the pH scale results in a 10 times decrease in the hydronium ion concentration and increasing by 3 on the pH scale results in a 1,000 times decrease in the hydronium ion concentration.
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