Falling for Sleep

Moon Over Water SleeplessnessThe fine and comprehensive essay below on Sleep is a full diet of thought about how our lifestyles have removed us from the natural cycles of light and dark and healthy habits of connecting with nature that are so important to maintain our health in the wired world.

Falling For Sleep by Rubin Naiman

CTE EDITOR’S NOTE:  Healthy and natural sleep has been a pursuit for us. To that end, we began with completely blacking out all light except the moon and stars from our bedroom. We were shocked at how many little indicator lights glowed in our home. Blocking them helped. Then we put our wireless modem on a timer so it shut off for several hours during the night. We really noticed a difference and continued looking for ways to improve our sleep. The easiest we found was just plugging in a Blushield product. We immediately felt relief from the scalar wave flooding our home with a healthier frequency for our cells, which over time, has reduced chronic inflammation and produced a cascade of wellness: more energy, better sleep, lower stress. Recently we went two layers deeper into improving the health of our home environment. First, we replaced the wireless router and have our devices hooked up to Ethernet cables for internet access. Now the wireless is turned on only when needed. Second, we improved the grounding of our bodies with grounding mats under our desks, and a grounding blanket on our bed. This allows the natural discharge of positive ions building up in the body causing inflammation. It’s taken a lot of changes to get to better health, but our home has become a peaceful sanctuary where we truly feel rejuvenated. Try some changes in your environment–it will really help.


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