iZ Zero Point Crystal Orgone Pendant


Our iZ ZeroPoint Necklace is self-powered, sending out the organic signals of the crystals of your choice,
activated by the Orgone body of the silver or gold wrapped torus.
Stay In Resonance With Nature With Our Harmonizing Jewelry
Harmonize Negative Man-Made Frequencies
Reduce Stress & Anxiety
* In stock items ship in 1-3 days. Back ordered items take 1-2 weeks to process.

This beautiful pendant is a personal zero point field perfect for self-care wherever you are. The mineralized iTorus’s are custom made with crushed stone blended in a plant based ecopoxy resin then wrapped in a Vortex Based Mathematical coil that creates a toroidal field. Crystal/Stone Choices are: Aqua Superluminal, Atlantis Stone, Heart Stone, Seraphim Shield, C60 Shungite Shield, Angel Aura, Azurite Shield, Violet Flame, Classic Custom, Custom Superluminal Spiral, Turquoise and Sedona Vortex Stone Spiral, Moldavite

The vortex based mathematical coil has two channels creating clockwise and counterclockwise magnetic spin. These coils produce a spinning magnetic field creating a bioactive field, a rejuvenation field, a field effect to enhance life. Coil Wrap Choices are: Copper, Silver, Gold


This beautiful orgone pendant is a personal zero point field perfect for self-care wherever you are. The mineralized iTorus’s are custom made with crushed stone blended in a plant based ecopoxy resin then wrapped in a Vortex Based Mathematical coil. The coil has two channels creating clockwise and counterclockwise magnetic spin. These coils produce a spinning magnetic field creating a bioactive field, a rejuvenation field, a field effect to enhance life. These beautiful pieces of crystal artistry in a pendant should be worn for both beauty and good health!





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