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Your orders support filmmakers, Ken & Elizabeth.  Check out THE COOLEST MEDITATION EVER, ANTARCTICA 12.12.12, FREE BELOW.

How Making A Meditation Film Birthed A Business– Funds Polar Meditations

Denver-based is the brainchild of filmmakers and tech geeks Ken Sheetz and Elizabeth England. Formed in 2018, their website has become the focal point for their fans and grown an international reputation as a hub for superb health and wellness technology that–when described–makes people say “Cool!”

Ken Sheetz and Elizabeth England met in 2010 and immediately discovered an unusual connection–their sudden experience of expanded conscious awareness of the planetary grid led them both out of ‘the matrix’ into planetary meditation as a practice and a mission. In 2015, they united their lives and missions to engage film audiences in collective meditation for planetary healing. Together they co-produced the documentary The Coolest Meditation Ever: Antarctica 12.12.12, 24 Quantum Intentions for a Cooler Today, an entirely crowdfunded film project through IndieGogo, receiving massive fan loyalty for the vision to meditate in Antarctica on 12.12.12. It’s FREE to watch here above. Prominent backers were Dr. Patrick Flanagan, Jonathan Goldman, James Wanless, and Ed Asner. Their successful film funding campaign, ‘Do Penguins Meditate,’ on IndieGoGo is an evolution of independent film funding and marketing with direct support of an active fanbase to filmmakers creating conscious content.

Ken and Elizabeth’s unusual approach to crowdfunding their film projects created a springboard to the Coolest Tech Ever business. In Ken’s film projects with genius Dr. Patrick Flanagan, he discovered the Neurophone and other amazing and life-changing vibrational and nutritional technologies. By offering these sensational perks on his film’s crowd funder–like Patrick Flanagan’s stunning Sensor V Medallion and sound healing pioneer Jonathan Goldman’s tuning forks—fans began to discover these powerful health and wellness tools. The miracle of this? A purchase to support their work is also a gateway to better health for the donor! Excited by this idea of spreading good health and compassion, Elizabeth–an experienced organic gardener and alternative health trends watcher—built a website to share these and more products we know and love for their ability to up-level baseline health. What began as an idea for health-boosting crowdfunding perks has organically grown into—a curated collection of ‘cool’ tech products for enhancing health that we use ourselves.

Ken & Elizabeth, Team

Ken & Elizabeth, Team

Ken Sheetz walked away from a successful career in Chicago real estate, building a skyscraper and Oprah’s first studio Harpo Studios, to pursue his passion for filmmaking. Two decades in ‘Hollywoodland’ have produced over 400 films—a serious track record for a funny guy.

Elizabeth England co-produces and co-hosts the Coolest Meditation Ever film projects. With 30 years in corporate and military leadership, she advocates meditation for its positive effects on planetary and personal coherence. 

Projects in Production: Ken and Elizabeth’s current film project is Coolest Meditation Ever: Arctic 2024. Support Cool Content.

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