Ken Sheetz CoolestTechEver co-founder here. When I filmed Patrick Flanagan in 2013 for my hit documentary about his life’s work THE FLANAGAN EXPERIMENTS (watch it free bottom the CTE home page) I asked the genius, who Deepak Chopra calls “A gift to humanity,” what he considered his greatest invention. Without hesitation the doctor answered “Megahydrate!”

When I further asked the prolific inventor of over 300 marvels — featured in LIFE MAGAZINE as one of the most promising young scientists in the world because of his invention the Neurophone at age 15 — “Why is Megahydrate, of all of your hundreds of inventions, your fav? Pat, who I was more blessed than I ever knew when we became dear friend over the many months of filming, elaborated matter of factually, “Keeps you younger. Boosts your energy by boosting your ATP.”

Confession: I was skeptical about supplements in those days. And so for months the free bottle of Megahydrate Pat gifted me sat un-used on my desk. Then on my 62nd birthday, as were wrapping filming on THE FLANAGAN EXPERIMENTS, I noticed my usual zip was waning. And so I gave Pat’s favorite invention a try. Wow. I had more energy day one! I’ll be pushing 70 soon and I’ve seldom missed a day without taking Megahydrate after getting a personal pitch from the master of hydration himself.

Loving the results of greater vitality and a more youthful appearance I get from Megahydrate I also began taking Crystal Energy (CE), which Pat explained to me makes water wetter. CE, he taught me, delivers more nutrients to your cells when you eat nutritional foods. BTW Pat told me to knock off soda pop. A thing easier said than done the damn stuff is so addictive.

Eventually, I’d sample all of Pat’s genius products in production and my health would benefit from them all. Now, with the help of my amazing love and partner Elizabeth England we are proud distributors of many of Dr. Flanagan stellar inventions at

Elizabeth and I are happy to report after a 6 weeks depletion of inventory that Megahydrate and Crystal Energy are back in stock and on sale. Use this link to visit our Dr. Patrick Flanagan page to see this dynamic duo to a healthier you and more of his genius. Grab some Megahydrate and Crystal Energy today. You’ll thank me for sharing my Flanagan testimony.

Wishing you optimal health in these difficult times,
Ken Sheetz
Elizabeth England
C O O L E S T T E C H E V E R .C O M

Note: Your results may vary. It’s advised to consult your doctor before taking any supplement.

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