We live in a world increasingly saturated with electromagnetic fields (EMFs). From cell phones and Wifi to smart appliances and the electrical grid itself, we are constantly bombarded by a barrage of invisible frequencies [1, 2]. While these technologies have undoubtedly brought convenience to our lives, a growing body of scientific evidence suggests a sinister side to our hyper-connected world: the potential link between EMF exposure and cancer [3].
How big is the risk? Studies have linked prolonged cell phone use to an elevated risk of thyroid cancer, particularly in individuals with specific genetic susceptibilities [3]. Additionally, research suggests a connection between cell phone use and an increased risk of tumors [3]. Carrying cell phones in bras has even been linked to a higher risk of breast cancer in women [3]. It’s not just cell phones we need to be concerned about. The proliferation of cell towers, especially in densely populated areas, means we are constantly exposed to a steady stream of EMF radiation as we go about our daily lives [2].
You might think that staying home offers respite, but unfortunately, this is not always the case. Wifi routers, smart meters, and even energy-efficient appliances contribute to the EMF load in our homes [4, 5]. The very walls meant to protect us can become conduits for electromagnetic fields from nearby power lines and transformers [2].
What can you do? The first step is awareness. Understanding the sources of EMFs in your environment empowers you to make informed decisions about managing your exposure [1]. Simple steps such as using speakerphone or an AirTube headset when talking on your cell phone, turning off your Wifi router at night, and hardwiring your internet connection can significantly reduce your exposure levels [6].
But in today’s interconnected world, complete avoidance is nearly impossible. That’s where Blushield comes in. Unlike EMF shielding methods, which can have detrimental effects on health by blocking beneficial natural frequencies, Blushield works by generating a biologically harmonious scalar field [6-9]. This field acts as a protective bubble, allowing your body to resonate with healthy frequencies even amidst the chaotic EMFs of modern life [6]. Blushield doesn’t block or attempt to alter harmful EMFs. Instead, it provides a coherent, natural frequency that your body can entrain with, promoting cellular harmony even in the face of constant EMF exposure [6].
Investing in Blushield is an investment in your health. With various models available for both home and on-the-go protection, you can create a sanctuary of wellness in your home, car, and workplace [10]. The most popular strategy is protection for home with a base unit and a portable for mobile use, like this package that includes the latest 5G wave protection we have exclusively at 20% off when you use coupon code ‘coolest’ at checkout.
The sources provide a list of citations to support claims made about the dangers of EMF.
Here are the 10 citations from your previous request, with additional information when available:
Luo et al. 2020: While the name of the study is not provided, this citation likely refers to a study published in 2020 by Luo and colleagues. This study, as described in the source, investigated the link between cell phone use and thyroid cancer risk, finding a potential association in individuals with specific genetic susceptibilities. [1]
Choi et al 2020: This likely refers to a 2020 meta-analysis conducted by Choi and colleagues. The source indicates that this study examined cumulative cell phone use and its association with tumor risk. [1]
Miller et al 2018, Peleg et al 2018Carlberg and Hardell 2017, Belpomme et al 2018: This appears to be a compilation of four separate citations. The source uses these studies to support the claim that cell phone radiation is a Group 1 human carcinogen. Unfortunately, without more information it is not possible to determine the specific focus of each study. [1]
Uche 2021: This likely refers to a study authored by Uche and published in 2021. The source highlights this study’s analysis of tumor and heart damage in the context of the National Toxicology Program study. [1]
West et al 2013,Shih et al 2020: This is another example of combined citations. The source cites these studies as evidence linking carrying cell phones in bras to elevated breast cancer risk. More context on each study would be needed to understand their methodology and findings. [1]
Kim et al., 2021, Yu et al., 2021: The source cites these two studies as part of a larger body of research suggesting a connection between radiofrequency electromagnetic fields (RF-EMF) and impacts to sperm. [2]
(Maluin et al., 2021): This 2021 study by Maluin and colleagues is cited in the source for its findings related to RF-EMF exposure and decreased testosterone. [2]
(Hassanzadeh-Taheri et al, 2021): This study, published in 2021, focuses on the impact of cell phone radiation on male reproductive health. [2]
Ghandi 2012, AAP 2012 & 2013: This appears to reference a combination of publications and policy statements. It includes a 2012 publication by Ghandi and statements from the American Academy of Pediatrics (AAP) in 2012 and 2013. The source uses these to highlight the AAP’s stance on updating wireless radiation regulations for children and pregnant women. [2]
(Ferreira and de Salles 2015, Fernandez et al. 2018): These two studies are cited together in the source to support the claim that children absorb higher doses of radiation in their eyes and brains compared to adults. [3]
Andrew R Chow’s Time Magazine article highlights not only the energy-gobbling nature of Bitcoin Mining + AI that creates dangerous geopathic zones for living beings. The intense electrical fields and rumbling unnatural sounds produced by these facilities create a health nightmare for local communities. Facilities cooled by fans and air conditioning create dangerous noise pollution and electrical fields. Cooling with water, an alternate method used in some mining facilities is now a major polluter/consumer of community water resources.
Granbury’s facility is located on the grounds of an electrical power plant providing the operators easy access to Texas’ oil-driven energy grid to cool their facility with air conditioning and fans. This article fails to recognize that not only sound is an issue causing nightmare symptoms for nearby life forms. The intense electro-magnetic interference may cause radical and life-threatening inflammatory effects to blood and tissue of living things.
Reprint of Original Post by Brandon Amalani at Blushield US.
Throughout the history of discoveries of mathematical concepts with elements of universal truth, a few concepts stand out on their own, as if they were keys to open to us a glimpse into the complex structure of the universe itself. One of these that has demonstrated over time to be applicable to nearly every aspect of life and the universe, is the Phi ratio.
Called by a variety of names, Phi is also referred to as the Golden ratio, Golden mean, Golden number, Golden section, and the Divine Proportion (by Renaissance artists), among others. It’s also intimately related to the Fibonacci sequence (or Fibonacci series).
The number itself is 1.618033988749895… commonly shortened to 1.618. The “…” indicated in the longer version means it goes on infinitely, as far as we know.
Why is this number so “golden” in the minds of centuries of great thinkers? It’s an irrational number, which means it can’t be reduced to a fraction of integers, and it essentially goes on forever (after the decimal place) with no discernible pattern. So what is the significance of such a seemingly chaotic number?
To get a basic visual of Phi, imagine a line of a certain length, any length. Now, you could divide this line into two lines at any point. But there is one specific point, which is around 0.618 of the whole (1) line, where if you divide it, the ratio of the larger segment to the smaller segment is the same as the ratio of the whole original line to the larger segment – 1.618 to 1. There is only one place you can divide the line where this is possible. See illustration for a visual understanding.
There are many other methods to derive and demonstrate Phi with mathematics and geometry. You can use the Fibonacci sequence, a numerical series made widely known by Leonardo Fibonacci in the year 1202 AD (although the series was known by Indian mathematicians since the 6th century AD). The series starts as 0, 1, 1, 2, 3, 5, 8, 13, 21, 34, 55, 89, 144, 233, 377… and keeps going indefinitely. Each number is the sum of the two numbers preceding it. The higher the numbers go, the more exactly the ratios between each adjacent number approximate Phi.
Phi has many unusual mathematical properties, and is the solution to a quadratic equation. Even more profoundly, it is pervasive throughout nature: it is found in the forms of the bodies of animals, humans, shells, insects, trees, leaves, flowers, and even the solar system and human DNA!
Phi Ratio In Nature and Human Behavior
The Phi ratio is found all throughout the proportions of the human form. It is found in the proportion of human facial features, and faces that most closely approximate the Phi ratio are closest to what is considered most aesthetically beautiful. It’s also found in the proportions of the sections of the human body (head, torso, legs), fingers, and teeth. Since Phi seems to be a foundational element of the human design and beauty standard, it isn’t surprising that Phi is used in facial plastic surgery and cosmetic dentistry!
The petals and spiral patterns of flowers are a complex natural expression of Phi, as well as the patterns of leaf veins, honeycombs, insect body sections, wing dimensions and spots on moths and butterflies, the spirals of seashells, and even a wide variety of differently shaped animal bodies are found to be different configurations of Phi!
The double helix spiral of human DNA embodies Phi proportions, as well as the spirals of galaxies themselves. This ratio seems to be so pervasive in nature that it inhabits the microcosm of DNA, all the way to the macrocosm of galaxies!
As we ourselves are interconnected with nature, and are ourselves natural beings, it makes sense that much of human behavior tends instinctively towards Phi. It has been found that population growth can be recorded and predicted using Phi, and even the rises and falls of the stock market! Since stock market changes are determined by human expectations, and human expectations have been found to occur in a ratio near Phi, Phi has been used with great success to analyze and predict stock market moves. Because humans unconsciously express Phi in their behavior, like other animals, it has been said that the stock market may have geometrically as perfect a pattern as a spider’s web!
Human-created art and architecture, especially what are considered the “great works” throughout history, contain design elements utilizing Phi. This includes the Great Pyramid of Egypt, the Parthenon (apparently the Greeks were consciously aware of Phi during its design), a number of paintings by Leonardo Da Vinci, Raphael, Botticelli, Georges Seurat, and more. The long-revered Stradivarius violins built in the 1700’s show Phi relationships. Modern architectural applications include the Notre Dame in France, and several other modern buildings. Phi is used in the design of logos by many major corporations, and in modern fashion. It is even being used to integrate knowledge in the fields of time and quantum physics!
It is notably found in the structure of great musical works. The peak, or capitulation, of great classical music pieces occurred very close to 61.8% of the way through each movement. This also occurs in popular music. Notes of a scale, chords, and octaves correlate to Fibonacci numbers.
Phi is seen pervasively in the visible patterns of nature, but just as with great music, it is also found in the frequencies and sounds of nature.
Phi and Blushield
It is clear that humans have an affinity for Phi, as it seems to be weaved into our very structure! Although humans have a tendency to create beautiful works of art, architecture and music by subconsciously utilizing Phi, not everything humans have created is even close to Phi. Some of our creations are very, very far from it.
Manmade electromagnetic fields, if we were able to see and hear them, would not appeal to our sense of aesthetics at all. They are static, infinitely repeating frequencies. If they were audible to us, they would drive us crazy. They might sound like a loud car alarm that never turns off, an alarm clock, or high-pitched screeching. These types of frequencies are not compatible with our bodies. Our bodies like the frequencies of nature, which express the complexities of Phi and other natural patterns.
This is why Blushield utilizes the Phi ratio as a foundational aspect of the infinitely varied, multiple waveform output of its microprocessors.
As 5G is on the verge of being rolled out all over the world, Blushield has prepared for this increasingly harmful and abrasive element by developing a new version of the Ultra unit: the 5G Ultra. The Ultra, itself, is already the most powerful Blushield model, in terms of strength and area of coverage. The 5G Ultra adds a new element, specifically designed to provide more protection to our cells from the added stress of 5G: constant emission of Phi ratio waveforms.
All other Blushield models emit a complex, ever-changing multiple waveform every 30 seconds, which is more than sufficient to entrain our bodies to the Blushield and ignore the manmade EMFs. But since 5G is a stronger, higher frequency, with more pulsations, and will be more densely placed throughout cities and towns, it is appropriate to combat this with a constant emission of natural frequencies modeled after Phi.
You can read more about the 5G Ultra unit here, to see if it’s appropriate for your current or likely future situation!
Editors’s Note: Reprinted from European GeoSciences Blog. Original article at: https://blogs.egu.eu/geolog/2013/10/28/imaggeo-on-mondays-the-names-bond-hydrogen-bond/. This article sheds light on the activity of hydrogen when introduced into the body through supplementation. Hydrogen will scavenge dangerous free radicals of oxygen and turn them into more water for the body, a very good thing. This is why we love hydrogen boosting products for better health, like MegaHydrate and the HydroGO+.
Imaggeo on Mondays: The name’s Bond. Hydrogen bond.
The O in H2O attracts electrons towards it, a property known as electronegativity. And because oxygen attracts electrons towards it, it is ever so slightly positive. Likewise, the hydrogen atoms in a water molecule are ever so slightly negative. The difference in charge across a water molecule is what holds water together as the slightly positive hydrogen atoms are attracted towards the slightly negative oxygen atoms – a phenomenon known as hydrogen bonding.
Water molecules are drawn together by hydrogen bonding – attraction between negative hydrogen atoms and positive oxygen atoms. (Credit: Wikimedia Commons user Qwerter)
Hydrogen bonding is what gives water its adhesive and cohesive properties, allowing water to form thin films as it spreads of smooth surfaces (adhesion), and stick together (cohesion) as droplets, that can fall as rain, collect on the surface of a leaf, or obscure your hand lens as you try your best to do fieldwork in bad weather.
“Water drops” by Jacqueline Isabella Gisen, distributed by the EGU under a Creative Commons licence.
This photo by Jacqueline Gisen captures the cohesive nature of water. She explains that “cohesive forces make water molecules to attracted to each other from every direction,” but because the water’s surface is exposed to the atmosphere (where there is relatively few water molecules) it can only be pulled down towards the rest of the fluid. This creates surface tension, responsible for the bouncing droplets you see when one source of water pours into another.
Imaggeo is the EGU’s open access geosciences image repository. A new and improved Imaggeo site will be launching soon, so you will be able to peruse an even better database of visually stunning geoscience images. Photos uploaded to Imaggeo can be used by scientists, the press and the public provided the original author is credited. Photographers also retain full rights of use, as Imaggeo images are licensed and distributed by the EGU under a Creative Commons licence. You can submit your photos here.
Editor’s Note: This is a simple explanation of the different natures of hydrogen and how it reacts with oxygen. Note that H2 ‘is the antioxidant in hydrogen-rich water.’ The measure of pH is derived from the presence of H+ in a substance.
Distinguishing between these different forms of Hydrogen can be confusing to those of us who flunked high school chemistry. Here is an attempt at clarification.
H = Atomic Hydrogen Atomic hydrogen is number 1 on the Periodic Table of Elements. It consists of one proton and one unpaired electron which means that it is a free radical.
However an atom of hydrogen rarely exists on its own because its unpaired electron eagerly seeks to join up with another electron.
The molecular form of hydrogen is more common.
H2 = Molecular Hydrogen
H2 is a gas which forms when two hydrogen atoms bond together and become a hydrogen molecule. H2 is also called molecular hydrogen.It consists of two protons and two electrons. Consequently it is the most common form of Hydrogen because it is stable with a neutral charge. H2 is not a free radical. It is the antioxidant in ‘hydrogen-rich’ water.
H2 is the smallest molecule in the universe. That means it can go where nothing else can …including into your mitochondria which are the powerhouses of your cells. Hydrogen gas cannot be kept in plastic because it will pass right through the walls of the container.
H+ = Proton
When the Hydrogen atom loses an electron all that is left is a proton. It becomes the positively charged hydrogen ion known as H+. This is the form of Hydrogen that produces the ATP enzyme that powers our cells and mitochondria.
The H+ hydrogen ion is the basis of the pH scale.
H:– = Hydride
Hydride is a hydrogen atom which has an extra electron. This means that it is a negatively charged ion, or anion. That is why Hydride ion (H-) has the minus sign distinguishing it from a regular Hydrogen atom (H). The two dots after the H means that this ion has two electrons instead of just one. The extra electron means that H- is not a free radical however it is not stable because this form of hydrogen is a very strong base (extremely alkaline) which reacts with water to produce hydroxide (OH–and molecular hydrogen (H2).
H:– + H2O –> H2O + OH–
Hydride (H:– ) also reacts with metals to form chemical compounds which are reducing agents.
OH– = Hydroxide ion
Hydroxide (OH–) is also known as the hydroxyl ion. When water dissociates or comes apart into its component parts it forms OH– (hydroxide ions) and H3O+ (hydronium ions). 2H2O ⇆ OH– and H3O+
This reaction is reversible. The hydroxide ion also reacts with the hydronium ion (H3O+) to become two water molecules.
The Hydroxide ion (OH– ) is a base (alkaline). The Hydroxide ion is not a free radical or an antioxidant. Dissolved molecular hydrogen gas (H2) is the antioxidant in ‘hydrogen-rich’ water.
Hydroxide (OH–) is sometimes confused with the hydroxyl radical (OH•). The dot to the upper right of the OH indicates an unpaired electron which means that Hydroxyl is a free radical, actually one of the most reactive oxygen radicals. Hydroxide and Hydroxl are two entirely different species. It is important to not confuse them.
H3O+ = Hydronium ion
A water molecule (H20) plus a hydrogen ion (H+) becomes a hydronium ion (H3O+). The H+ ion is a lone proton with a powerful charge. It does not exist on its own in an aqueous solution because it is immediately attracted to the unshared electrons in the oxygen atom of H2O. The result is Hydronium (H3O+). This process is reversible. Two water molecules can disassociate to form hydronium plus hydroxide. 2H2O ⇆ OH– and H3O+
Experiments indicate that the proton (H+) is very promiscuous. It changes from one H2O partner to another many times per second creating a new H3O+ ion as it moves.
pH = Potential of Hydrogen
pH stands for potential of Hydrogen and is actually a measurement of the concentration of hydrogen ions (H+) in a solution. Water breaks down (dissociates) into protons (H+) and hydroxides (OH–). This reaction is reversible.
H2O ⇆ H+ and OH– 2H2O ⇆ OH– and H3O+
pH indicates whether water is acidic, neutral, or alkaline. More H+ = more acidic. Less H+ = more alkaline.
Because H+ immediately associates with H2O to form H3O+ (Hydronium), pH can also be said to be a measurement of the concentration of H3O+ in a solution.
The pH scale is logarithmic. Increasing by 1 on the pH scale results in a 10 times decrease in the hydronium ion concentration and increasing by 3 on the pH scale results in a 1,000 times decrease in the hydronium ion concentration.
Wow. It’s Black Friday again. Normally, we at CTE (CoolestTechEver.com) and our sister page CME (CoolestMeditationEver.com) are laid back about the great products we’ve offered since 2015 from greats inventors like Patrick Flanagan, Jonathan Goldman and James Wanless. But what makes 2013 special is that this is CTE’s first Black Friday carrying the #1 EMF protection on earth, Blushield. it’s super cool scalar wave Tesla tech and we working our tails off the manifest a record number of sales not just to make a profit but to save health and lives.
Why is this important Black Friday ever? Because we at CoolestTechEver.com are literally in race to get as many people protected from the cancer causing effects of Wifi, smart meters, microwaves, cell towers, cell phones and, most scary of all, 5G that will be rolling out nationwide soon. And 5G is already live in LA, Sacramento, San Diego, Washington DC, Houston and Indianapolis.
5G stands for the 5th Generation of mobile phone technology and we side with PC Magazine story that calls the rollout of weaponized technology to the general public without health testing reckless at best. Wether you get a Blushield or not we encourage you to learn more about the real dangers of EMF radiation in the report from The World Health Organization.
We have ads running but your word of mouth, dear reader, is the most trusted source of advertising we have. Please, share this remarkable gift that shares a lineage with the work of Nikola Tesla and let your friends and family know you’ve found a gift idea that’s a true life saver EMF protection at CoolestTechEver.com.
Australia is on the CUTTING EDGE of understanding the EMF landscape and the precautions necessary to ensure we protect our health as the Internet of Things emerges. Presently, wireless growth has spawned more cell phones than people and new wireless and mobile technologies are continually emerging, expanding the proliferation of electromagnetic radiation (EMR). Exposure to EMR has multiplied in the last decade.
Just 5 years ago, mobile providers didn’t offer unlimited talk and text. A decade ago, few children had access to mobile devices. Now they are a targeted consumer market. Parents Magazine, ignorant of the dangers, even recommends tablet devices for children less than a year old. This video from the Australian organization WiFi In Schools is an excellent and clear explanation of the necessary precautions for protecting children from EMR and why we need them. Now that we know EMR is linked to brain cancer, breast cancer and infertility in adults, it’s time to protect our kids at school. (See Dr. Devra Davis, A Global Expert Speaks for a complete discussion of this evidence.)
We are reaching out to schools across America to implement Blushield from CoolestTechEver.com to help students cope with wifi and cellular dangers. Many schools in Australia use Blushiled and love the results–better moods, lower anxiety, and most importantly, it protects blood cells from damage. Last week, Blushield USA donated several Cube units to a Kansas City school.
Until we get all schools protected, it’s smart to protect your child with a portable unit. We recommend the DISC for kids as it’s our smallest, least noticeable portable protector. The DISC is drop resistant, water resistant and has no on/off switch so kids can’t turn the protector off! It creates an 18′ bubble of protection from all EMR. This video from the Australian organization WiFi In Schools is an excellent and clear explanation of the necessary precautions for protecting children from EMR and why we need them.
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